




写真:管理培養プール(工場) スピルリナは螺旋(スパイラル)状をした藍藻(らんそう)の一種で、30数億年前に地球上に出現した最古の生命体といわれています。普通の藻と違い、高温・強アルカリという特殊な条件で、太陽の光をたっぷり浴びて育ちます。この特殊な条件下で育まれる強い繁殖力や栄養価、安全性といったスピルリナならではの優れた特性は、国連やNASA(アメリカ航空宇宙局)でも”未来の食料”として注目を集めています。


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
1 岩田多子、加藤敏光他 ラットの血圧に及ぼすスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)の影響 女子栄養大学紀要 vol.21 63-70 1990
2 Suetsuna K et al. Identification of antihypertensive peptides from peptic digest of two microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis Mar.Biotechnol.(NY) 3, 305-309 2001


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
3 岩田多子、加藤敏光他 果糖誘導性高脂血症Wisterラットの血中リパーゼ活性に及ぼすスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)の影響 女子栄養大学紀要 vol.18 53-58 1987
4 岩田多子、加藤敏光他 ラットの果糖誘導性高脂血症に及ぼすスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)の影響 日本栄養・食糧学会誌 vol.40 No.6 436-467 1987
5 K.Iwata, T.Katoh et al. Effects of Spirulina platensis on Plasma Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Fructose-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats J.Nutr.Sci.Vitaminol, 36, 165-171 1990


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
6 Devi MA et al. Hypocholesterolemic effect of blue-green algae Spirulina platensis in albino rats Ann.Nutr.Reports Int. 28, 519-530 1983
7 加藤敏光、竹本和夫他 ラットの食餌性高コレステロール血症に及ぼすスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)の影響 日本栄養・食糧学会誌 Vol.37 No.4 323-332 1984
8 五島雄一郎他 スピルリナ(リナグリーン)の血清コレステロール低下作用 Prog. Med. 6:3125-3134 1986
9 Y. Goto et al. Choresterol Lowering Effect of Spirulina Nutrition Reports International June Vol. 37 No.6 1329-1337 1988
10 細山田康江 高居百合子 加藤敏光 ラットの血清脂質と耐糖能に及ぼすスピルリナ水溶性・不溶性画分の影響 日本栄養・食糧学会誌 Vol.44 No.4 273-277 1991
11 A.Ramamoorthy et al Effect of Supplementation of Spirulina on Hypercholesterolemic Patients J. Food Sci. Technol., Vol 33, No.2 124-128 1996
12 Parikh P et al.
Role of Spirulina in the Control of Glycemia and Lipidemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus J.Med.Food 4, 193-199 2001
13 Ble-Castillo et al. Arthrospira maxima prevents the acute fatty liver induced by the administration of simvastation, ethanol and a hypercholesterolemic diet to mice Life Sci. 70, 2665-2673 2002
14 Samuels R et al. Hypocholesterolemic effect of Spirulina in patients with hyperlipidemic nephrotic syndrome J.Med.Food. 5, 91-96 2002
15 NAGAOKA Satoshi, SHIMIZU Kazuo, KANEKO Hideki, SHIBAYAMA Fumi, MORIKAWA Kensei, KANAMARU Yoshihiro (Gifu Univ., Gifu, JPN), OTSUKA Ayako, HIRAHASHI Tomohiro, KATO Toshimitsu (DIC) A Novel Protein C-Phycocyanin Plays a Crucial Role in the Hypocholesterolemic Action of Spirulina platensis Concentrate in Rats J.Nutr.135 (10),2425-2430 2005


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
16 細山田康江、加藤敏光他 糖質の吸収阻害に及ぼすスピルリナ水溶性・不溶性画分の影響 千葉県立衛生短期大学紀要 第10巻第1号 27-30 1991
17 Rodriguez-Hernandez A et al. Spirulina maxima prevents fatty liver formation in CD-1 male and female mice with experimental daibetes Life Sciences. 69, 1029-1037 2001
18 Parikh P et al. Effects of Spirulina platensis on Plasma Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Fructose-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats J.Nutr.Sci.Vitaminol, 36, 165-171 2001


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
19 長尾憲樹 高居百合子 小野三嗣 発育期マウスの運動とスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)摂取がハプテン特異的免疫応答に及ぼす影響 体力科学 第40巻、187-194 1991
20 Yang H-N et al. Spirulina platensis inhibits anaphylactic reaction Life Sciences. 61,1237-1244 1997
21 Hyung-Min Kim, Eun-Hee Lee, Hye-Hyoung Cho, and Young-Hoe Moon Inhibitory Effect of Mast Cell-Mediated Immediate-Type Allergic Reactions in Rats By Spirulina Biochem. Pharmaco. 55 1071-1076 (1998) 1998
22 Samuels R et al. Hypocholesterolemic effect of Spirulina in patients with hyperlipidemic nephrotic syndrome J.Med.Food 5, 91-96 1998
23 T.K. Mao, J. Van de Water, and M.E. Gershwin Effects of a Spirulina-Based Dietary Supplement on Cytokine Production from Allergic Rhinitis Patients J.Med.Food 8 (1), 27-30 2005


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
24 C. Romay et al. Further Studies on anti-inflammatory activity of phycocyanin in some animal models inflammation Inflamm.Res.47 334-338 1998
25 C.Romay, et al. Antioxidant and anti-inframmatory properties of C-phycocyanin from blue-green algae Inflamm.Res.47,36-41 1998
26 C.M.Reddy et al. Selective Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2 by C-Phycocyanin, a Biliprotein from Spirulina platensis Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 277 599-603 2000
27 Romay C et al. Effects of phycocyanin extract on prostaglandin E2 levels in mouse ear inflammation test Arzneimittelforschung 50, 1106-1109 2000
28 Remirez D et al. Inhibitory effects of Spirulina in zymosan-induced arthritis in mice Mediators Inflamm. 11, 75-79 2002
29 Remirez D et al. Role of histamine in the inhibitory effects of phycocyanin in experimental models of allergic inflammatory response Mediators Inflamm. 11, 81-85 2002
30 Reddy CM et al. C-Phycocyanin, selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, induces apoptosis in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 304, 385-392 2003


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
31 C. Romay et al. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of C-phycocyanin from blue green algae Inflamm. Res. 47 36-41 1998
32 Miranda MS et al. Antioxidant activity of the microalga Spirulina maxima Braz J Med Biol Res. 31,1075-1079 1998
33 T.Hirata et al. Radical Scavenging Activity of Phycocyanobilin Prepared from the Cyanobacterium, Spirulina platensis Fisheries Science 65(6), 971-972 1999
34 C.M.Reddy et al. Selective Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2 by C-Phycocyanin, a Biliprotein from Spirulina platensis Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 277 599-603 2000
35 C. Romay et al. Phycocyanine is an Antioxidant Protector of Human Erythrocytes Against Lysis by Peroxyl Radicals J.Pharm.Pharmacol. 52; 367-368 2000
36 C. Romay et al. Kinetics of Phycocyanine Bilin Groups Destruction by Peroxyl Radicals Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 28, No.7, 1051-1055 2000
37 V.B.Bhat et al. C-Phycocyanin:A Potent Peroxyl Radical Scavenger in vivo and vitro Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 275 20-25 2000
38 T.Hirata et al. Anti-oxidant activities of phycocyanobilin prepared from Spirulina platensis Journal of Applied Phycology 12, 435-439 2000
39 J.E.P.Estrada et al. Antioxidant activity of different fractions of Spirulina platensis protean extract Il Farmaco. 56, 497-500 2001
40 V.B.Bhat et al. Scavenging of Peroxynitrite by Phycocyanin and Phycocyanobilin from Spirulina platensis: Protection against Oxidative Damage to DNA Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 285, 262- 2001
41 C.Gennma,P.C.Bickford,et al Diets enriched in foods with High Antioxidant Activity Reverse Age-related Deacreases in Cerebeller β-Adrenergic function and Increases in Proinflammatory Cytokines J.Neuroscience,22(14)6114-6120 2002
42 Hsueh-Kuan Lu, Chin-Cheng Hsieh, Jen-Jung Hsu,
Yuh-Kuan Yang, Hong-Nong Chou
Preventive eVects of Spirulina platensis on skeletal muscle damage under exercise-induced oxidative stress Eur.J. Appl. Physiol. 98:220-226 2006


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
43 O.Hayashi, T. Katoh et al. Enhancement of Antibody Production in Mice by Dietary Spirulina platensis J.Nutr.Sci.Vitaminol, 40, 431-441 1994
44 林修 、加藤敏光他 マウス免疫機能に及ぼすスピルリナおよびクロレラ抽出画分の影響 女子栄養大学栄養科学研究所所報 Vol.2 71-77 1994
45 磯部恭子、加藤敏光他 マウス培養マクロファージ殺菌能に及ぼすスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)抽出物の影響 女子栄養大学紀要 Vol.26 61-66頁 1995
46 M A Qureshi, J D Garlich, M T Kidd Dietary Spirulina plantesis Enhances Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Functions in Chickens Immnopharm. Immunotoxicol. 18(3), 465-476, 1996 1996
47 Quereshi MA et al. Spirulina platensis exposure enhances macrofage phagocytic function in cats Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 18(3), 457-463 1996
48 Quereshi MA et al. Dietary Spirulina platensis enhances humoral and cell-mediated functions in chickens Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 18(3), 465-476 1996
49 C. Romay et al. Further Studies on anti-inflammatory activity of phycocyanin in some animal models inflammation Inflamm.Res.47 334-338 1998
50 O.Hayashi, T. Katoh et al. Class Specific Influence of Dietary Spirulina platensis on Antibody Production in Mice J.Nutr.Sci.Vitaminol, 44, 841-851 1998
51 林修、磯部恭子、加藤敏光他 ヒト白血病細胞株U937,HL-60に対するスピルリナ抽出成分の分化誘導能について 体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌 第8巻 第2号 194-196 1998
52 石井恭子 、加藤敏光他 スピルリナ摂取がヒト唾液中IgA抗体量に及ぼす影響について 女子栄養大学紀要 Vol.30 1999
53 T.K. Mao et al Effect of Spirulina on the Secretion of Cytokines from Peripheral Blood MonoNuclear Cells Journal of Medical Food, Vol 3, No.3, 135-140 2000
54 Hamad A. Al-Batshan, Saud I. Al-Mufarrej, Ali A. Al-Homaidan, and M. A. Qureshi Enhancement of Chiken Macrophage Phagocytic Function and Nitrate Production by dietary Spirulina platensis Immnopharm. Immunotoxicol. 23(2), 281-289 2001
55 T.Hirahasi,T.Seya, et al. Activation of the human innate immune sysytem by Spirulina:augumentation of interferon production and NK cytotoxicity by oral administration of hot water extract of Spirulina platensis International Immunopharmacol,2,423-434 2002
56 平橋智裕、瀬谷司他 スピルリナエキスによるヒト基本免疫活性化-スピルリナ熱水抽出物の経口投与によるインターフェロン産生及びNK細胞障害活性の増大- DIC Technical Review,8,43-49 2002
57 林修、加藤敏光 他 マウス粘膜免疫抗体応答に及ぼすスピルリナ成分・フィコシアニン摂取の影響 体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌 第13巻 第2号102-111 2003
58 O.Hayashi, T.Hirahasi, T. Katoh et al. Phycocyanin enhances secretary IgA antibody response and suppresses allergic IgE antibody response in mice immunized with antigen-entrapped biodegradable microparticles J.Nutr Sci Vitaminol. 50.129-136 2004
59 Hironobu Watanabe,
Kazuki Ota, Asmi Citra Malina A.R. Tassakka,
Toshimitsu Kato,
Masahiro Sakai
Immunostimulant effect of dietary Spirulina platensis on carp, Cyprinus caropi Aquaculture 256,157-163 2006
60 Osamu Hayashi,
Shoji Ono, Kyoko Ishii,
YanHai Shi,
Tomohiro Hirahashi,
Toshimitsu Katoh
Enhancement of proliferation and differentiation in bone marrow hematopoietic cells by Spirulina (Arthrospira) plantesis in mice J. Applied Phycology


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
61 Kirk R.Gustafson et. al. AIDS-Antiviral Sulfolipids From Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Vol. 81, No.16, 54-58 1989
62 K..Hayashi, I.Kojima et al. An Extract from Spirulina platensis is a selective Inhibitor of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Penetration into HeLa Cells Phytotherapy Research, Vol.7, 76-80 1993
63 T.Hayashi,K.Hayashi Calcium Spirulan, an Inhibitor of Enveloped Virus Replication, from a Blue-Grren Alga Spirulina platensis J.Nat.Prod. No.59, 83-87 1996
64 K. Hayashi et al. A natural sulfated polysaccharide, calcium spirulan, isolated from Spirulina platensis: in vitro and ex vivo evaluation of anti-herpes simplex virus and anti-human immunodeficiency virus activities AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 12, 1463-1471 1996
65 S.Ayehunie et al Inhibition of HIV-1 Replication by an Aqueous Extract of Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome and Human Retrovirology, Vol 18,No.1, 1998
66 Hernandez-Corona A et al. Antiviral activity of Spirulina maxima against herpes simplex virus type 2 Antiviral Res. 56, 279-285 2002
67 Shih SR et al. Inhibition of enterovirus 71-induced apoptosis by allophycocyanin isolated from a blue-green alga Spirulina platensis J.Med.Virol. 70, 119-125 2003


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
68 Schwartz J et al. Regression of experimental hamster cancer by beta-carotene and algae extracts J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 45, 510-515 1987
69 J.Schwartz et al. Prevention of Experimental Oral Cancer by Extracts of Spirulina-Dunaliella Algae Nutrition and Cancer Vol.11,No.2, 127-134 1988
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71 Liu Lisheng et al. Inhibitive Effect and Mechanism of Polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis on Transplanted Tumor Cells in Mice Marine Sciences, No.5, Sept, 33-38 1991
72 Liu Lisheng et al. Study on Effect and Mechanism of Polysaccharides of Spirulina platensis on Body Immune Functions Improvement Marine Sciences, No.6, Nov., 44-49 1991
73 Mathew B et al. Evaluation of chemoprevention of oral cancer with Spirulina fusiformis Nutrition and Cancer 24, 197-202 1995
74 Y. Liu et al. Inhibitory effect of phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis on the growth of human leukemia K562 cells Journal of Applied Phycology 12, 125-130 2000
75 A.Tsuruta Cancer prevention by zeaxanthin, a natural carotenoid J.Kyoto Pref.Univ. Med. 110(1), 11-24 2001
76 Dasgupta T et al. Chemomodulation of carcinogen metabolising enzymes, antioxidant profiles and skin and forestomach papillomagensis by Spirulina platensis Mol.Cell Biochem. 226, 27-28 2001
77 J. Subhashini et al. Molecular mechanisms in C-Phycocyanin induced apoptosis in human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line-K562 Biochem.Pharma.. 68, 453-462 2004


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
78 T.Mishima, T. Katoh et al. Inhibition of tumor invasion and metastasis by calcium spirulan (Ca-SP), a novel sulfated polysaccharide derived from a blue-green alga, Spirulina platensis Clin. Exp. Metastasis, 16, 541-550 1998
79 林修、磯部恭子、加藤敏光他 ヒト白血病細胞株U937,HL-60に対するスピルリナ抽出成分の分化誘導能について 体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌 第8巻 第2号 194-196 1998
80 瀬谷司 スピルリナとBCG菌体成分を用いた抗がん免疫療法 治療 第83巻 第8号 162-163頁 2001
81 T.Hirahasi,T.Seya, et al. Activation of the human innate immune sysytem by Spirulina:augumentation of interferon production and NK cytotoxicity by oral administration of hot water extract of Spirulina platensis International Immunopharmacol,2,423-434 2002
82 赤澤隆
アジュバントを利用した樹状細胞の活性化と癌免疫療法への応用 現代医療
vol.35 No.8


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
83 宮入文悦 溺れる者は藁をも掴む 日本医事新報 No.3599 68-69 1993
84 森田邦正他 ラットにおけるPolychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxinsの糞中排泄に対するクロレラ、スピルリナ及びクロロフィリンの効果 衛生化学 43(1) 42-47 1997
85 P.V. Torres-Duran et al. Supirulina maxima Prevents Induction of Fatty Liver by Carbon Tetrachloride in the Rat Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, Vol44, No.4, Aplil 1998
86 B.B.Vadiraja et al. Hepatoprotective Effect of C-Phycocyanin: Protection for Carbon Tetrachloride and R-(+)-Pulegone-Mediated Hepatotoxity in Rats Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 249, 428-431 1998
87 森田邦正 ダイオキシン類の体外排除-食物繊維と緑黄色野菜が有効- キューピーニュース第285号 2-15 1998
88 C. Romay et al. Protective effects of C-phycocyanin against kainic acid-induced neuronal damage in rat hippocampus Neuroscience Letters 276 75-78 1999
89 P.V. Torres-Duran et al. Studies on the preventive effect of Spirulina maxima on fatty liver development induced by carbon tetrachloride J.Ethnopharmacol.64, 141-147 1999
90 Upasani CD et al. Protective effect of Spirulina on lead induced deleterious changes in the lipid peroxidation and endogenous antioxidants in rats Phytother. Res. 17, 330-334 2003
91 K. Premkumar et al. Protective effect of Spirulina fusiformis on chemical-induced genotoxicity in mice Fitoterapia 75, 24-31 2004


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
92 山根靖弘、宮川和之、加藤敏光、他 無機水銀およびシスプラチンによる腎毒性に及ぼすスピルリナの影響 日本薬学会第109年年会講演要旨集 58頁 1989
93 Y.Yamane et al. Effects of Spirulina (S.platensis) on the Renal Toxicity Induced by Inorganic Mercury and Cisplatin Eisei Kagaku, 36, 5 1990
94 山根靖弘他 塩化第二水銀による急性腎および肝毒性に対するスピルリナの影響 Biomed.Res.on Trace Elements 1 (2) 223-224 1990
95 S.M. Farooq et al. Salubrious effect of C-phycocyanin against oxalate-mediated renal cell injury Clinica Chimica Acta, 348, 199-205 2004


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
96 荒木仁子、加藤敏光他 ラットのエタノール代謝に及ぼすスピルリナ(Spirulina platensis)の影響 日本栄養・食糧学会誌 vol.47 No.5 395-400 1994


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
97 Pang Qishen et al. Radioprotective effect of extract from Spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test Toxicology Letters, 48,165-169 1989
98 Zhang HQ et al. Chemo- and radio-protective effects of polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis on hemopoietic system of mice and dogs Acta Pharmacol Sin. 22, 1121-1124 2001


No. 著者 題名 出典 発行年
99 A.Misaki et al Glycolipids Isolated from Spirulina maxima:Structure and Ftty Acid Composition Agric. Biol.Chem., 47. (10), 2349-2355 1983
100 O.Ciferri Spirulina, the Edible Microorganism Microbiological Reviews, Dec. 551-578 1983
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103 E.W.Becker et al. Clinical and Biochemical Evaluations of the Alga Spirulina with Regard to its Application in the Treatment of Obesity. A Double-Blind Cross-Over Study Nutrition Reports International Aplil Vol. 33 No.4 565-574 1986
104 土橋昇他 ラットの盲腸内容物に及ぼすスピルリナの影響 千葉県立衛生短期大学紀要 第5巻第2号 27-30 1986
105 片岡直子 行友圭子 岡崎祐子 他 スピルリナ(Spirulina maxima)の細胞壁多糖の化学的性質 日本栄養・食糧学会誌 vol.40 No.5 381-390 1987
106 T.Katoh et al. Spirulina (Arthrospira):Potential application as an animal feed supplement Journal of Applied Phycology 8, 303-311 1996
107 Jung-Bum Lee et al. Further Purification and Structual Analysis of Calcium Spirulan from Spirulina platensis J.Nat.Prod. 61,(9)1101-1104 1998
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111 Yun Wang, Chen-Fu Chang, Jenny Chou, Hui-Ling Chen, Xiaolin Deng, Brandon K. Harvey, Jean Lud Cadet, Paula C. Bickford Dietsry supplementation with blueberries, spinach, or spirulina reduces ischemic brain damage Experimental Neurology 193,75-84 2005
112 林 修 スピルリナの健康利用−その機能研究 Food Style 21 Vol.10 No.4 1-9 2006
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114 M.E.Gershwin,Amha Belay Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health. CRC Press 2007
115 Robert Henrikson Earth Food Spirulina Ronore Enterprises, Inc. 1989







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